
En español

如果你要向佛罗里达州约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的临床医生发送MyChart信息, 巴尔的摩医疗系统网站(东巴尔的摩医疗中心和BMS在院子56)或埃斯佩朗萨健康服务, learn more

Questions about a bill? Log in to MyChart


MyChart提供与您的护理团队的在线访问,以满足广泛的医疗需求, including prescription refills, appointment scheduling and non-urgent medical questions. 我们认识到虚拟选择在卫生保健中发挥的重要作用, 我们想要确保我们的临床医生和推荐十大正规网赌平台都有方便的新沟通方式.

请注意:您的留言可能在三个工作日内无法阅读. 我们的临床医生不会在晚上或周末办公室关闭时查看信息. 如果您需要紧急联系您的临床医生办公室,请拨打他们的办公室电话. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. Do not leave a message through MyChart for emergencies.

Some MyChart Messages May Be Billed

虽然大多数约翰霍普金斯医学MyChart与您的护理团队的信息是免费的, starting July 18, 2023, responses that require medical expertise and five minutes or more of your clinician’s time may be billed to your insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

虚拟选择已经成为医疗保健的一个标准部分. 保险公司现在将MyChart的一些医疗建议信息视为收费服务. 我们希望确保我们的临床医生有足够的时间来审查并适当地回应您的担忧, just as they would with an in-person or video visit. 如果你的信息需要5分钟或更长时间才能得到回复,你可能会被收费.


What type of MyChart messages will be billed to insurance?
Most MyChart messages you send will not be billed, 但有时,患者发起的信息需要更多的时间来审查和回应. 以下是一些可能收费的邮件主题的例子:

  • 需要医疗评估或转诊的新问题或症状
  • Adjusting medications
  • Chronic disease check-in and management
  • Flare-up or change in chronic condition

Are there messages that will not be billed to insurance?
是的-在大多数情况下,您不会为MyChart消息付费. 以下是一些不收费的患者发起的消息示例:

  • Prescription refill requests
  • Scheduling appointments
  • 有关过去七天访问期间所处理的问题的讯息
  • Messages that lead to a visit in the next seven days
  • Follow-up care linked to recent surgery
  • Messages that do not require a response
  • Messages that take less than five minutes to answer

What changes will I see?
当您开始发送消息并选择“询问医疗问题”时,,一个弹出通知将自动显示在我的图表中. You can choose one of the following options in response:

  • If you agree to the terms in the pop-up, 选择“下一步”并继续处理你的非紧急MyChart信息. If the clinician bills for their medical advice, 它将在MyChart的“访问”部分显示为“访问”,,并附上访问后的总结,就像视频或亲自访问一样.
  • Otherwise, decline and exit the messaging field. You can schedule an appointment 如果您希望通过面对面或视频访问来回答您的问题.

Most MyChart messages are free. 临床医生可能只对需要至少5分钟的时间来审查医疗记录和提供医疗建议的信息收费. If you do not have insurance, out-of-pocket costs will range from approximately $15–$50, depending on the amount of time spent by your clinician. For most insurance plans, if your message is billed, 你可能根本不收费,或者你可能会看到一个低的自付费用.


Insurance plan Cost of a medical advice message 
Medicaid No out-of-pocket cost.
Medicare 医疗保险将覆盖80%和20%的共同保险(与办公室访问相同), so most patients would see a cost of $3-$10.
Private Insurance 一些患者可能需要支付与面对面或视频就诊相似的共同费用(通常为10美元或20美元)。.

If you have a high deductible plan, or if your plan does not cover this service, you may pay the full amount.

要了解更多有关您的具体自付费用,请联系您的保险公司. 如果代表要求提供CPT代码以帮助识别访问, the relevant codes are 99421, 99422, 99423和G2012(这些代码反映了您的从业者可能花费在处理特定消息上的时间).

如果你有医疗补助或儿童健康保险计划的保险, make sure you have renewed your coverage. Medicaid re-started its renewal process, 在COVID-19突发公共卫生事件期间暂停, in the spring of 2023. Learn more about the Medicaid renewal process.

如果你的短信结果是建议亲自或视频访问相关的医疗问题, no charge will be issued for the messaging. The in-person or video visit will be subject to billing.

How will I know if a message I sent was billed?

  • 计费信息将显示在“我的图表”的“访问”选项卡中.
  • 任何费用都将在MyChart的“账单摘要”部分中显示,其账单描述以“在线数字E/M Svc”开头.”

If I have a question about a charge, what should I do?
如果您或您的保险提供商收到您有疑问的账单,请全球十大外围足球平台的 billing and insurance customer service team.

如果我给佛罗里达州约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的临床医生发信息呢, 巴尔的摩医疗系统网站(东巴尔的摩医疗中心和BMS在院子56)或埃斯佩朗萨健康服务? 
由于操作和承包模式的各种差异, 向以下网站的临床医生发送的任何信息都是免费的:

  • 约翰霍普金斯儿童医院及其在佛罗里达州的门诊医疗点 
  • 巴尔的摩医疗系统站点(BMS位于56号院或东巴尔的摩医疗中心) 
  • Esperanza Health Services